Nik summiting Mt. Shasta in California at 14,179 ft, the 5th highest peak in California.
Nik summiting Mt. Shasta in California at 14,179 ft, the 5th highest peak in California.

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Name: Nikolaus Allan Benko

Hometown: Los Osos, California

Previous Degrees, Institutions: BS in Physics at the University of California Santa Barbara

Research Interests/Project:  Measuring intraocular pressure during blast trauma

Interests outside of Research: Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Backpacking, Reading, Racing.

Tell us something about yourself that otherwise we wouldn’t know or guess: One summer I solo hiked the 220mile John Muir Trail from Yosemite Valley to Mt. Whitney

15 minutes of fame: During my junior year at UCSB two of my teammates and I flew out to North Carolina for the USA Cycling collegiate national mountain biking championship. We got back early on a Monday morning and I had a midterm later that day. I doubt the test went well but when I turned my phone back on after my test I had half a dozen messages from friends telling me a reporter for a major mountain biking website had put a few pictures of me and some kind words in his feature article about the race.

What can’t you live without: Coffee and my hiking shoes

Favorite place to eat in SLC or surrounding area: Sylvester’s Burgers in Los Osos, CA. Best burgers on earth, hands down

Favorite activity in SLC or surrounding area: I haven’t been able to get out much yet but I’d guess the mountain biking and rock climbing will be awesome

I’ve always wanted to: Go to space

Favorite quote: “Do or do not, there is no try.”