Joseph Phillips playing in the Drumline

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Name:  Joseph Phillips

Hometown:  Rexburg, Idaho

Previous Degrees, Institutions:  BS (in progress) – University of Utah, Mechanical Engineering CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician), DATC

Research Interests/Project:  Hydrogel material characterization; Retinal vasculature characterization.

Honors/Awards:  Dean’s list 2015, Recipient of the C.S. and D.E. Foundation Scholarship, 2015, Member of Tau Beta Pi, inducted 2016

Interests outside of Research: Competitive drumline, music performance, basketball, Hiking, Camping, ATVs.

Tell us something about yourself that otherwise we wouldn’t know or guess:  As a member of a winter drumline from Idaho, I competed and placed in state final competitions in Ogden and regional finals in San Bernardino, California.

15 Minutes of fame:  I was the Salutatorian of my high school graduating class. I gave a speech in front of an estimated 1800 people, and I was featured in the local newspaper.

What can’t you live without:  My phone. I keep everything on my phone.

Favorite place to eat in SLC or surrounding area:  Red Iguana

Favorite activity in SLC or surrounding area:  Utah Jazz games, off-roading on local trails.

I’ve always wanted to:  Visit Machu Picchu.

Favorite quote:  “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received or given:   To make sure my roommate was a culinary arts major, because I cannot cook.