Name: Jiawei Yan
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Previous Degrees, Institutions: BS, University of Utah, Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests/Project: Develop computational model for predicting crack propagation and resulting fracture patterns in infant cranial bone
Interests outside of Research: Traveling
Tell us something about yourself that otherwise we wouldn’t know or guess: I played the piano almost for 10 years before I move here
15 Minutes of fame: When I was a kid, I once won third place in a world-class painting contest held in Japan
What can’t you live without: Coffee, family, and my cats
Favorite place to eat in SLC or surrounding area: Itto Sushi
Favorite activity in SLC or surrounding area: Hiking and National Parks
I’ve always wanted to: Pack my bags and go on an unplanned trip
Favorite quote: “If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail”