Acoustic Warnings Reduce Head Trauma

Congratulations to Mohammad Homayounpour, PhD Graduate of Dr. Andrew Merryweather’s Ergonomics and Safety group on his publication Cervical muscle activation characteristic and head kinematics in males and females following acoustic warnings and impulsive head forces published in Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Sex, head and neck posture, and cervical muscle preparation are contributing factors in...

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In Situ Mechanics of the Subarachnoid Space

Congratulations to PhD Graduate Nik Benko on his publication Mechanical characterization of the human pia-arachnoid complex published in the Journal of Mechanical Behavior and Biomedical Materials. In this study, Nik quantified the normal traction modulus of the pia-arachnoid complex (PaC) in five post-mortem human subjects using hydrostatic fluid pressurization in combination with optical coherence tomography. This study is the first...

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ABME Selects Colter Image for Cover

Congratulations to Jourdan Colter for getting her manuscript “Finite element design optimization of a hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel drug delivery device for improved retention” published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering! Her figures were extremely high-quality and selected for the cover of the March 2018 issue. Dr. Barbara Wirostko from EyeGate Pharmaceuticals collaborated on the...

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New publication investigates the effect of cyclic loading on pediatric TBI

Our manuscript, “Cyclic Head Rotations Produce Modest Brain Injury in Infant Piglets” was recently accepted by Journal of Neurotrauma for publication in 2016. The paper evaluates the time-dependent response of axonal injury and extra-axial hemorrhage following a continuous or episodic cyclic head rotation as compared to a single head rotation. Authors on the paper are Brittany Coats (UofU) Gil Binenbaum...

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New Publication on Modeling the PAC

Congratulations to Greg Scott for getting his final publication accepted into Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, one of the premiere modeling journals in our field. The whopping 19-page journal publication titled Utilizing multiple scale models to improve predictions of extra-axial hemorrhage in the immature piglet is an outstanding effort that describes the development and validation of...

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New publication in Journal of Mechanical Behavior and Biomedical Materials

Congratulations to Jourdan Colter, Jami Saffioti, Alex Williams, and Patrick Moran for publishing their collaborative effort titled, “Age-related changes in dynamic moduli of ovine vitreous.” The rapid degradation and low mechanical stiffness of vitreous makes it challenging to capture high rate properties quickly without interference from inertial and time-related artifacts. Our recent publication describes and validates an...

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