UBEC 2013Congratulations to Jami Saffioti, Greg Scott, and Dan Shedd who were accepted to present their work at the 9th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference held in Salt Lake City, UT on Saturday, September 7th, 2013.

[divider] Three students from the Pediatric Injury Biomechanics lab attended and presented research posters at the 9th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference on September 7th 2013.

Greg Scott presented his poster titled “Micro-scale Finite Element Model of the Pia Arachnoid Complex in Shear: A Parametric Evaluation”. Greg was awarded “Runner-up” for his presentation at UBEC 2013.

Jami Saffioti presented her poster titled “Age Dependent And Anisotropic Material Properties Of Immature Porcine Sclera”.

Dan Shedd presented his poster titled “Verification of a Shock Tube Finite Element Model for Blast Ocular Injury Simulations”.